Tanesei Trading
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>> Koshinohomare



原酒造株式会社 新潟県柏崎市新橋5番12号

TEL: 0257-23-6221 FAX: 0257-20-1032

URL: http://www.harashuzou.com/



Kashiwazaki city, which is faced on the Sea of Japan, is surrounded by famous mountain such as Yoneyama, Kurohime and Hakkoku. During winter, snowstorms form up from the Sea of Japan and thus, make it a perfect climate for low temperature fermentation of sake. This area is blessed with rice and spring water. It is a suitable environment for making sake.



We use spring water from Yoneyama for brewing sake. The soft water is the base of the sake: Koshinohomare. Soft and smooth characters of sake come from this spring water. Material of rice we use for sake: Gohyakumangoku.

清酒は醸造酒のため、色々な成分が溶け込んでいます。このため時間と共に色がついてきます。残念ながら色のついた酒は悪いイメージを持たれていますが、自然についた色は、黄金色、やまぶき色です。当社製品で、程よく熟成した「純米大吟醸 もろはく」は、古酒独特の色、味、香りを持つお酒です。皆様も喉と目で楽しみながらお飲みください。

Because of brewing, various elements merge in sake. Therefore, color of sake will change. Sadly colored sake gives bad image but colored in natural way is golden color. Our product, Daiginjo sake;MOROHAKU has matured and has it's own unique color, taste and flavor. Please try this sake and enjoy looking and taste.

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