「五橋 」と山口県岩国
酒井酒造 株式会社 山口県岩国市中津町1-1-31
TEL: 0827-21-2177 FAX: 0827-21-5372
URL: http://www.gokyo-sake.co.jp/
Founded in 1871. This sake brand name became popular in the whole of Japan in spring, 1947. It attracted the attention of many after it came in first place in the All Japan New Sake Competition. After that, Gokyo became the representative sake of Yamaguchi Prefecture.
* 五橋は軟水仕込み特有のソフトで香り高い酒質を特徴としています。
* 山口県の地酒であるために米・水・人の全てを地元・山口県産こだわっています。
* 昭和22年戦後初の全国新酒鑑評会で全国1位を獲得
* Gokyo’s sake character is of fragrant, high quality.
* As the locally brewed sake of Yamaguchi Prefecture, Gokyo uses rice, water and manpower from the prefecture. It is truly made in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
* First prize winner of the All Japan New Sake Competition after the WWII in the 22 nd year of the Showa era (1947).
In Iwakuni City found in Yamaguchi Prefecture, you can find one of the famous 3 bridges, called “Kin tai kyo”. You can also find the one and only white snake in Japan at this place. Food found in Yamaguchi Prefecture is of very good quality. Using the high quality of water found here, Gokyo sake is brewed.