株式会社 大村屋酒造場 静岡県島田市本通一丁目1の8
TEL: 0547-37-3058 FAX: 0547-37-7576
URL: http://www.oomuraya.jp/
Established in 1832. It is now the 6 th generation. The famous sake “Onikoroshi” was made famous about 30 years ago. “Oni” means devil and “koroshi” comes from the Japanese word “korosu”, which means to kill. The sake “Onikoroshi” depicts that the sake is so strong that it can kill a devil. As the name suggests, the sake is dry but with the usage of the soft water, it has the sweetness that is popular with all.
* 水は、南アルプスを源とする大井川の伏流水で、大変豊富で良質な軟水です。
* 気候は温暖なため、仕込みタンクは全て冷蔵庫内に設置しており、貯蔵タンクも全て冷蔵管理です。(低温発酵、低温熟成)
* Wakatake uses water from the Ooi River, which source comes from the South Alps
* All tanks and storage is in refrigeration. Everything is temperature-controlled
静岡県島田 の特徴
Shizuoka Prefecture, a warmer part of Japan, has got the sea, river and mountains. Shimada City, which is somewhere in the middle of Shizuoka Prefecture, has the biggest tea plantation in Japan. Tea cultivation is a big thing at this part of Japan.